WP1 aims to provide the definition of contingent workers and among them to identify the slash workers, as the target of project analysis. The first goal is a conceptual definition, through an overview of the background literature about the new kind of workers in different countries. The second objective is the construction of research tools: countries studies scheme, scheme for the in-depth interviews, evaluation

criteria to be adopted to identify relevant practices in terms of industrial relations for slash workers. The third objective is to measure the phenomenon of slash workers and to investigate some characteristics trough European statistical data, the fourth objective is to analyse platform workers who are not identifiable through national and European statistics.

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Objectively customize flexible e-markets before enterprise-wide communities. Objectively visualize quality platforms.


Objectively customize flexible e-markets before enterprise-wide communities. Objectively visualize quality platforms.

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Objectively customize flexible e-markets before enterprise-wide communities. Objectively visualize quality platforms.

Meta Description

Objectively customize flexible e-markets before enterprise-wide communities. Objectively visualize quality platforms.